“A BC Step by Step HACCP Plan” Home Study Program
Thank you for registering “A BC Step by Step HACCP Plan” Workshop Home Study Program. This program allows you to review the workshop material on your own, rather than attend a workshop in person. When you have successfully completed the program, you will have access to the same benefits available to a business attending a workshop. In order to complete the program, you will need to pass three short quizzes that demonstrate you have read and understood the material. Following successful completion of the quizzes, you will receive a Record of Participation.
To complete this workshop you will need:
- A copy of the “A BC Step by Step HACCP Plan” workshop manual
- A DVD of the “A BC Step by Step HACCP Plan” workshop presentation (three parts)
- A copy of the workshop Power Point slides, which can be used to make notes
Before you begin, we suggest you take a few minutes to review the contents of the manual.
Step 1: Review the manual
The manual is organized into several sections, separated by binder tabs
Workshop Manual Tab This section includes the text for all three parts of the workshop. Several exercises are also included in this section and you can record your answers for these directly in the manual.
A BC HACCP Plan Toolkit Tab This section includes blank forms you can copy and use when writing your own HACCP program.
Gap Assessment Tab This section includes information on how to conduct a Gap Assessment in your own facility and a checklist that can be used to help you assess your HACCP program.
Appendices Tab This section includes fourteen resource documents that provide additional information to help you develop your HACCP program.
Creamy Dressing Tab Includes several completed forms using Creamy Dressing as an example food product.
Step 2: Watch the DVD
The DVD* may be played on your computer or a TV system. When using the computer, hit the ESCAPE key to bring up the DVD controls. You can advance or rewind the presentation using the arrow below the screen. The DVD is divided into three parts, similar to the workshops. We have also included a printed copy of the Power Point slides for your reference. At the end of each part, you can complete the short on-line quiz. * Note: There are now 7 Prerequisite Programs, with the recent addition of Operational Prerequisite Programs, described in the workshop binder. The current version of the DVD was produced prior to this change, and discusses 6 Prerequisite Programs. Please refer to the binder for the more current information.
Approximate time required: Part 1 – 20 minutes Quiz #1 (16 questions) Part 2 – 24 minutes Quiz #2 (11 questions) Part 3 – 20 minutes Quiz #3 (13 questions)
Step 3: Complete the on-line quizzes
Please click on the inks below to complete the quizzes. Please note that once you start a quiz, you can only proceed forward (you cannot go back to a previous question). There is no time limit on completing a quiz. However, you cannot log off and re-start the quiz at a later time. You must achieve a score of 50% on all of the quizzes.
I will contact you after you have successfully completed the three quizzes, and we can review your opportunities for free on-site food safety planning consultations, as well as your eligibility for funding to support creation of a formal food safety plan.
If you have any questions about the Home Study Program please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you again for your participation.
Outreach Coordinator Small Scale Food Processor Association Telephone: 1-866-547-7372 Email:
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